Thoughts on Christmas
Alan’s TTIM Stories #51
When people, businesses, and various agencies began use the greeting “Happy Holidays,” it outraged the far-right. Reports on the so-called “War on Christmas” began appearing on the airwaves and print. This non-issue is the result of a combination of arrogance, indoctrination, and fear.
Complaints of woke inclusiveness suggested the destruction of conservative values, changing a Christian Nation into a Secular Nation. Many fear the eroding loss of power from turning away from the oppressive hold religion has on followers, using a misinterpretation of the loving and peaceful intentions of Christianity.
Happy Holidays is not death blow to Christmas. It’s the act of consideration for others beliefs and ceremonies such as Bodhi Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, International Cello Day (December 29th), Krampusnacht, even New Years.
Those espousing a “Christmas Nation” can use numbers, but cannot point to an official policy –
not satisfied that Christmas is a federal holiday.
Another common complaint is the evil commercialization of Christmas. We live in a capitalist economy combined with the freedom of choice. No one should feel pressured to take out a second mortgage to fill the space under the tree. I won’t even attempt to cover the Santa Claus controversy in this post (except for the adorable photo below).
I enjoy a good laugh at advertisements during the holiday season (beginning in July) concentrating on jewelry, perfume, alcohol, blood-and-guts video games, and lingerie. Recall the gifts of the Magi – gold, frankincense, myrrh, and a sexy selection from Victoria’s Secret.
A social phenomenon around the holiday season is the strange way to celebrate the birth of Jesus with legendary office parties known for confrontational gift exchanges, intoxication, and promiscuity.
The point of this message is: Christmas is a Christian observance. It is the responsibility of Christians to worship, celebrate, and keep the occasion untainted, alive, and relevant. It is not the responsibility of government or people of other religions or people with no religion.

I wish all Christians a Merry Christmas!
I wish everyone Happy Holidays!
So, wear that ugly sweater and enjoy a season
of peace and love for everyone.
The author as Santa Claus pictured with a pet
as a fundraiser for Pet Rescue of Maryland.
Holiday Insights
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